Monday, November 21, 2011

Lover's Lament

Lover’s Lament ( … )

Oh, to lament in the land of
The loving ☺.

To lay down in a bed of decadent delights - ,
Perhaps made of mortar and steel ^-.

To let yourself divide / ,
Then reconstruct + and synthesize *.

Is it assured? == A rational panic call
Is heard…

To luxuriate, …*ahhhhhhhhhhh* or learn,
(AHEM) Will be to discern.

**Oh**, to lament in the land of the loving,
Will bring wisdom and joy when it’s really your turn.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

On Fire

What’s it like to be on fire?

To be on top and lighting it up?

To rise on the heat that ascends intrinsically,

Without umph or emphasis.

With calm quiet,

Silent buoyancy.

With humility and grace, and modest fascination…

I ascend on a glimmering filament

Of hope and wonder.

Of curiosity and creativity.

I look for a crack in the slick flat stop

To get through to tomorrow, the next, the best.

We strive, We cry, We feel, We lose, We loose, We shiver, We quiver,

We never ever ever stop trying to get by.

Now is the time.

To take your next ride. And fly. And try.

Now is to rectify

The long lost days that have passed you by

To get moved and touched, and be sad, and be fond and enjoy

The well of maybe and the hole of how –

The easy lapped up by life and burned in a pyre of motivation

Good night to the girl,

The little young thing that loved you with all her heart because she didn’t know any better.

Good night to the asshole getting one step ahead and fooling everyone into thinking he’s prodigal by blood.

Good riddance to the glow, the know, the fragile tow

Of intention to attention – a step down, so the story goes…

But we are the light – those of us up at night

We are nailing down – when it is time to GO!!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chocolate Milk

3pm and school is out.
Sunshine, fresh air, and crackling leaves fill my senses
On the way to the bike rack.
The laughter of friends fills my heart as I race toward home.

I get to my apartment,
And open the door -
Key around my neck.
Time for homework and Space Quest.

By the time I reach level 5, Mom is home.
Cat, drink, sigh, sit, dinner.
Fried rice with broccoli and peas
Or macaroni and cheese with tuna and crackers.

Then off to the barn for an evening ride.
The sweet smell of hay
And the brushing and occasional click of hooves in sand
Create a stillness and strength in us.

As I ride round and round
Trying to impress my mother
She watches,
Leaning on the arena gate while she has a smoke.

Quiet, darkness, and cold.
Breath in the air and fingers stiff
We hop in the car
And head for home.

My eyes grow lazy and drift out of focus
As the street lights divide,
And pass overhead.
The tunnel turns everything strange shades of orange and green.

We’re home
And the car’s finally warm.
I don’t want to move,
But mom reminds me of my cozy bed.

Evening routine and chocolate milk.
Mixed carefully and cleanly
With deliberate preparation.
Sipped slowly at bedtime.

Nighttime reading
Tucked soundly and warmly
Into my clean soft bed.
Toe tugged.

With mother’s hum and bumble in the next room
I drift away
With innocence.
With peace.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brain Dead

Oh shit...I'm thinking in camelCase again...and celebrating with aLittlePoem...

for time = now : paperIsDone
deadlinePressure = 1/(paperIsDone-now);

goTime = (rand*motivation)+deadlinePressure

if (goTime >= goCritical)

justDoIt = 1;

switch (motivationalState)

case procrastination

gettingShitDone = round(rand);

selfTorture = 1;

case inspiration

gettingShitDone = 1;

selfTorture = numHoursInChair;

case lossOfMomentum

gettingShitDone = 1 - (log(howCloseYouAre));

selfTorture = Inf;


if selfTorture > numHoursInChair

timeToStartProgrammingInstead= 1;






Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Lover Not a Fighter

Somewhere along the line, what was once a personal quality in which I took great pride became my Achilles heel. I’m not sure exactly when or how it happened, but I’m well aware of the havoc it has wreaked on my pursuit of a picture perfect existence. The irony is that while I can see with stunning acuity just how this particular character trait has allowed me to mangle myself over the past several years, I am completely unwilling to do a damn thing about it. The bottom line is that I will go to my grave defending this conviction whole-heartedly, maintaining with what can only be described at present as stubborn faith that the torture is absolutely worth the payoff. I’m all about delayed gratification. Those who know me well have heard me say this time and time again. And here it is, the proof in the putting.

The nature of the impediment, you might ask? Love. I love. I am a lover. I am a passionate, deeply feeling individual, and I care for those close to me with tremendous devotion. The very substance of my being is made up of an intricate emotional manifold anchored to every nerve. The bonds I form with people fuse directly to my core, and remain forever. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, the love is and always will be there.

Is this completely insane? If insanity means marching willingly into a dyadic snare with the potential to cause great harm, then perhaps. If it means woefully mourning the loss of a lover as one would her own flesh, then possibly. Do I have any intention whatsoever of changing this seemingly masochistic inclination? Not a chance.

I’ve been told countless times that I’m too nice. I’m not entirely sure what this means, but I know it has something to do with my inability to get mad and foster a healthy antagonism toward those who have turned their backs on me. At some level, I agree that for my own protection I should promote the proliferation of emotional scabbing after being wounded. But the thought of doing that is about appealing to me as a frontal lobotomy. To me, it would actually be a kind of lobotomy. An emotional lobotomy that would change the nature of who I am and the sincerity with which I am able to love. I’ll pass, thank you very much.

This conviction is so entrenched in fact, that I can not see how it is even remotely possible for me to dislike, let alone hate, someone I once adored. Affecting such an about-face of the heart would subjugate the instincts that allow me to love so truly. Their voices (drowned out at the best of times by my constant tendency to “should” all over myself) would become muffled, or after repeated insults completely silent. When so wounded, they burrow themselves into the calloused epidermis of measured, rational thought and hide. But since instinct is the pilot light for motivated action of any kind, its burial culminates in the stagnation of intrinsic vigor. Such a deadening presents a profound detriment to carving out any kind of authentic growth.

That friend of yours – the one who tags along to all the group functions but always leaves you feeling a little drained – who continually seems to be in some kind of a rut and can not for the life of him make the simplest decision with easy assuredness? He suffers from this affliction. Perhaps maintaining the capability to coolly deliberate what he should do or how he should feel, the dulling of his intuition nevertheless renders him incapable of taking action.

Knowing all of this congenitally on some implicit level, I have always indulged rapturously in deep, sincere feelings for my lovers. And I have never been able to break the affectionate fondness, even when the end of the relationship threatens to break me. The intensity of my connection with other people enables me to love easily, sincerely, and unconditionally – undoubtedly all good things – but comes with the price of not being willing or able to dissolve these ties into indifference so as to spare myself the injury that inevitably ensues. I suppose that’s why so many of us work diligently to avoid feeling anything in the first place.

Despite the extravagant cost of investing in love time and time again, I can not fathom living without its tremendous dividends. To dread love as a weakening force is perfectly irrational, and really, just plain silly. The bouts of grief that must be waded can slow us down occasionally, but love per se is actually the greatest source of strength and determination that exists for us human beings. It should be nurtured and honoured at every opportunity. Love is an unparalleled performance-enhancer. It allows us to do more, better, faster than we could without it. And most importantly, love saturates our lives with everything that makes them worth living – peace, ecstasy, purpose, faith, selflessness, pleasure, courage, passion, and drive. It just seems unconscionable to me to forgo all of this as a vaccination against the risk of hurting when you have to let someone go.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Spoiled Rotten

Well, it seems that I will no longer be able to put this off. Despite my best efforts to avoid indulging in utter self-absorption, it has become apparent to me that I can no longer contain this litany of contemplative by-products within my own head. The utter freedom of living in Southern California as a hedonistic, single, thirty-something, athletic, academic yogini is incessant. Running the risk of coming across as effete and bourgeoisie, I simply need to say that the world makes for one friggin' heavy oyster.

"Incessant freedom" is not my complaint, but rather my acknowledgment that for us privileged folk who need not struggle for survival on a daily basis, the burdens of fighting for satiety, safety, and human rights are replaced by the burdens of vacillation, perfectionism, and regret. Put simply, even after our daily obligations are met, we have enough time on our hands to establish and nurture auto-destructive tendencies. The result has been the proliferation of depression and anxiety throughout all industrialized societies. Apparently I am not the only one who has been willing to grab hold of that bloated worldly oyster even if it breaks me.

So here's to waking up and salvaging what's left of the idealism, hope, empathy, inspiration, and unconditional love that defined my life as a girl. I'm embarking on a mental health rescue mission, where the goal is to dig my spirit out from under the detritus accrued in the course of my relentless pursuit of accomplishment.

For whatever reason, it has become astoundingly apparent that I am chin-deep in a giant terrestrial petri dish, undergoing some kind of remarkable in situ metamorphosis. While I suspect that the groundwork for this mental, physical, philosophical, moral, and spiritual transmutation has been laid down perpetually over the past two or three decades, it seems that some kind of critical mass permitting a profound awareness of the process has been reached. In order to connect fully with this distillation - not simply to indulge in it gratuitously, but to extract as many of the creative and practical precipitates of it as possible for use in the service of my own well-being and in the service of others - I'm going to engage habitually with an accessible means of deliberate action. I'm going to start a blog.

I'd like to harness some of this creative drive, train it, discipline it, channel it into some coherent manifestation that may or may not take a useful or worthwhile form some day. I will try to capture the essence and energy of this incredible waking experience by taking note of thoughts and ideas that, while I am certain will vary in both their lucidity and value, may contain the occasional tiny, featherlight, totally portable, pocket-sized, pearl.